In the forest - Voda Films - an Orange County, CA Video Production Company

Creativity + Life

I honestly never thought of myself as a creative. Growing up I wasn’t into drawing or painting or any of the traditional arts. But looking back I see a lot of ties to creativity.

When I was younger, I had this habit of closing my eyes, putting headphones on and listening to rock music. These sounds would transcend into this stream of visuals. At times it was moving pictures, and other times it was a compilation of abstract lights and colors. In addition to these crazy elementary faux acid trips, I recall documenting everything on 35mm cameras. It was an obsession, and it was almost as if the moment didn’t happen if there was no documentation of it. I never saw any of this as creative reflections, it was just me doing what came naturally.


Filming at the Beach. Voda Films - an Orange County, CA Video Production Company


It wasn’t until my mid-20s where I excepted the fact that I was creative and what I do is an artistic expression. That’s when the windows to my artistic soul awakened. I finally felt free to call this film production process a creative one and to allow myself to explore the possibilities of storytelling.

I wholeheartedly believe everyone is born creative, but we begin to lose it over time. I know I misplaced it for over 10 years myself. Maybe the sense of wonder wears merely thin, and it’s not until we take a step back and observe the world around us through a new lens that we can reconnect with our creative side. We are surrounded by artististic expressions every day. For me, it’s nature that is a constant reminder of our instinctive call to creativity.

I just began reading a book called “The Artist’s Way.” This has been a brilliant toolkit to help keep me grounded in creativity. Not just in my craft but in my everyday life. Life is a journey, let’s make it a creative one.


Field - Voda Films - Video Production in Southern California